Aftercare for your new piercing is very important! Remember a piercing is an intentional wound to the body and it will be susceptible to infection if it is not looked after properly. To give your piercing the best chance of healing, follow the below instructions and any advice your piercer has given you. If you’re unsure about something please get in touch. Keep in mind, healthy people heal faster! So if you’re run down or feeling unwell this may take an effect on the healing of your piercing and could prolong the recommended healing time.

  • Always wash your hands before and after touching your piercing

  • Clean the front and back of your piercing at least once a day with the saline solution recommended by your piercer

  • Ensure to rinse your piercing with water if any soap may have gotten onto it in the bath or shower

  • Do not take out or change the jewellery too soon, please stick to the time line advised by your piercer or pop in for a piercing change if you’re unsure

  • There is no need to touch your piercing other than when you are cleaning it - and no you don’t need to twist it!

  • Do not go swimming / submerge your new piercing in the sea or swimming pool for at least 4-6 weeks

  • Avoid sleeping on the piercing during the healing time of up to 8 weeks, this can cause the piercing to heal into the wrong position and will also prolong the healing

  • For ear piercings - void wearing earphones that rest on the piercing over the head or in ear, this can cause the piercing to heal into the wrong position and will also prolong the healing

Natural secretion will often build up around new piercings, this will look like a clear or white crust. It is completely normal and nothing to worry about, cleaning your piercing once a day should be enough to remove this however if you feel that twice a day is necessary that is sufficient. There is no need to clean your piercing more than this and over cleaning can become an issue.

There may be some initial bleeding, swelling, redness and secretion from the piercing and this can re-occur throughout the healing process especially if the piercing is knocked, slept on or fiddled with. On rare occasions piercings can become infected and can also be rejected from the body, if you notice any green or yellow puss from your piercing or you are worried about the piercing rejecting, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you are exceptionally worried, it is best to consult with a doctor.

We hope you enjoy your new piercing and we’ll see you again soon! Happy Healing :-)



Aftercare for your new tattoo is very important! Remember a fresh tattoo is essentially a wound to the skin and it can be susceptible to infection if it is not looked after correctly. To give your tattoo the best chance of healing well and looking exactly how you imagined it to be, you must follow the aftercare instructions and advice from your artist. If you are worried or unsure about something with the healing of your tattoo, please don’t hesitate to contact the studio or your artist. Keep in mind, healthy people heal faster! So if you’re run down or feeling unwell this mat take an effect on the healing of your tattoo or could prolong the healing time.

  • Always wash your hands before and after touching your tattoo during the healing phase, and ensure any cleaning of the tattoo is done in a sanitary environment

  • Avoid sleeping with your pets! When your tattoo is fresh, sleeping with your pets can be very dangerous and encourage infection

  • Do not pick or scratch your tattoo, this will ruin the tattoo and potentially pull out pigment

  • Avoid going swimming, sunbathing or using saunas, steam rooms and sun beds during the healing time of at least 2 weeks

  • If your tattoo comes into contact with dirt or an unsanitary environment, ensure to clean it as soon as possible

  • When moisturising your tattoo we recommend using palmers coco butter, stories & ink tattoo cream or other gentle and fragrance free moisturisers (ensure there is no anti-aging or retinol in the moisturiser you are using on the tattoo)

  • Cling Film - if your artist has wrapped your fresh tattoo in cling film, this can be removed 3-6 hours after wrapping as long as this is once you are at home or in a sanitary environment

  • Cling Film - once you have removed the cling film, wash the tattoo with a small amount fragrance free sensitive soap and warm water, you do not need to soak or submerge the tattoo in water

  • Cling Film - leave to air dry or pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel, once completely dry you can re-wrap the tattoo with a new clean piece of cling film to wear over night

  • Cling Film - after the first night you can remove the cling film and repeat the above cleaning process, you do not need to wrap your tattoo again, just ensure it is kept clean and in a sanitary environment

  • During the healing process and after the cling film is no longer being used, you should clean your tattoo daily with fragrance free sensitive soap and warm water

  • The tattoo can be left dry for a day or two, once the tattoo starts to feel very dry or itchy start applying a recommended tattoo cream or moisturiser 1-4 times a day depending on how it’s feeling, do not over-apply a small amount goes a long way

  • Second Skin - if your artist has used second skin for your tattoo this may be left on for 2-5 days, you might notice some fluid or ink residue build up under the second skin, this is completely normal

  • Second Skin - if you notice the second skin starting to significantly peel off by itself or channels of air are working its way to the tattoo, remove the second skin asap, this could allow unwanted bacteria to settle under the second skin and effect the healing of the tattoo

  • Second Skin - when the time comes to remove your second skin, this will need to be done with water as it is very sticky and hard to remove. Run the water over the second skin as your start to pull it away from the skin, you can also use a small amount of soap if this helps

  • Second Skin - once the second skin has been removed, you must clean the tattoo with a small amount of fragrance free sensitive soap and warm water, you do not need to soak or submerge the tattoo in water

  • Second Skin - if the second skin has been removed before day 2 of the healing, you will need to wrap the tattoo in cling film over night as directed above once the tattoo is dry

  • Second Skin - after washing your tattoo and removing the second skin you will need to pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel or leave to air dry, leave your tattoo alone and to completely dry out for 24 hours ensuring this is in a sanitary environment

  • During the healing process now the second skin is no longer being used, you should clean your tattoo daily with fragrance free sensitive soap and warm water

  • Once the tattoo has been left to dry for 24 hours having removed the second skin you may start applying a recommended tattoo cream or moisturiser 1-4 times a day depending on how dry or itchy the tattoo is feeling, do not over-apply a small amount goes a long way

Initial redness, swelling and oozing a plasma type substance is completely normal for your fresh tattoo, swelling may also last a few days so please don’t panic. Ensure you’re drinking lost of water and eating well, it’s likely you’ll need a good rest after having a tattoo. On a rare occasion your tattoo could become infected, if you are unsure about something please contact the studio or your artist, if you are exceptionally worried or notice any puss or severe blistering please don’t hesitate you contact us or seek advice from a doctor.

We hope you enjoy your new tattoo and we can’t wait to see it healed! Send us some photos of your healed tattoo for a discount on your next booking.



Following the correct aftercare for your new tooth gems is important to keep them looking goof and ensure they last as long as possible! Tooth gems can last anywhere between 6 months to over a year, this depends on a number of factors including how well the aftercare is followed and how well you continue to look after your tooth gems, lifestyle and acidity of your mouth can also effect how long they will last.

  • Do not eat anything for 1-4 hours after having tooth gems applied, ideally for the first day only consume soft foods

  • Do not drink alcohol, hot drinks or fizzy drinks for 1-4 hours after having tooth gems applied, ideally during this time only drink water and for best care use a straw

  • Avoid brushing your teeth for 12 hours after having tooth gems applied

  • There is no need to touch your new tooth gems, please do not pick at them or fiddle with them

  • Existing retainers cannot be used with tooth gems, however you can have new retainers and Invisalign made to fit around them

Removing your tooth gems needs to be done safely and properly, should you want to remove your tooth gems, please consult with your dentist and they can arrange removal for you. If there is anything you’re unsure on or worried about with your new gems, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Enjoy your new gems and don’t forget to tag us in those smiley pictures! :-D



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Looking after your new lashes is essential to making sure they last as long as possible and keep them looking full & healthy! Typically your lashes will start to fall out naturally and it is advised to get regular infills every 2-3 weeks.

  • Avoid touching or fiddling with your lashes including rubbing your eyes or sleeping on your face

  • Avoid getting your lashes wet or sweaty for the first 24 hours, this includes use of steam rooms, saunas and swimming

  • Do not use any eye make-up remover that contains oils on or around the lashes while you have them

  • Wash your lashes daily with a recommended lash shampoo and spoolie, follow the recommended instructions for that brand, ensure shampoo is rinsed away thoroughly

  • To keep your lashes fluffy you can dry them with a hand fan or a hairdryer (on the cold setting) while brushing them through gently with a spoolie

  • Ensure any make-up used on the lashes is always washed away thoroughly to avoid build up of products, this can damage your lash extensions if they’re not properly cleaned

Removing your lash extensions should be done professionally, please avoid pulling them out yourself. You can book for a removal at the studio when you want to take them out or infills can be booked as long as you have a minimum of 40% of your lashes remaining.